
Posts Tagged ‘mischief’


Wonder what happened to him?  Is he okay?










You are right, he isnt moving…. hmmmmm….

Dad?  You are not moving dad……  oh no… what did Ginger do this time?

Um… we have a problem I think….. who is going to go over there and find out… me?  Why me?





huh, he still isnt moving… I am under his arm and no loves…..  I think Ginger killed him…

Hallie; She Killed Him!  Kill Ginger!!!  ,,,,,

Ginger; Sigh, get out of my way, do I have to do everything?

WAKE UP OLD GUY!!!!  Quit yer drooling on yerself!  Rowwwr!!!!!  Muwahahahahahahahahahahaha



Let that be a lesson to you all!  First, I am cute and I can get away with anything…. however, if I were to kill the old guy would I leave a body or any evidence?  Come on…. think about it! Muwahahahahahahah  After all I am the Schnapp and I am where it is at!

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collies 5 -You know, the nice thing about being a collie at the Meadow is we don’t have to mow the grass, shovel the snow, rake the leaves or take care of the garden.  Thats what we have slaves.. er.. humans for… hehehehe What makes it even better is watching Ginger and Dad go at it…  He is filling the air on the plow tires and Ginger is letting the air out after he fills it…. HAHAHAHA

collies 3-Oh, now she is unplugging the air pump and just before he gets back to plug it in she plugs it in so it starts back up until he gets to the tire when she unplugs it again… gotta feel sorry for dad… his face is turning red… I hate to admit it but I have to laugh…

collies 6-LOL…. now she is shutting off the breaker box…. then back on.. then off… then on.. then off.. hehehehe

-Whoops dad just caught her…

collies 7-Oh wow!!! Ouch!  Um… believe me folks.. you don;t wanna know what just happened… oh my… I can;t repeat what Dad just said or did… wow… never saw him do something like that before….. well, I think I will go take a nap… forget the ball…. bye!




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smallsc-here is the latest picture of the Case Sc…. Annie has her hydraulic unit off being fixed… gaskets and filter on the way…. getting ready to change the transmission gear lube then back to stripping the paint.  As you can see the carb is back on and the air filter back on …..


Look there goes dad’s tractor…. is that Ginger driving?

-If you are looking for the tractor… well… its down to the neighbors….. um… I don’t know how you will get it off her car and I don;t know how it got there… wow! Your face is really red… um.. I’m off to play. 🙂




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One day I came home after a long day at work and put my insulated flannel shirt over the back of a chair.  I always have and have never had any problems.  I then proceeded to go out and work on my old Allis Chalmers and then drive it around for a hour or so to test out the fixes, check for leaks and find any more problems to fix before winter.

Well, I come back through the door and look and there is Ginger with my insulated flannel shirt and a bunch of little pieces of red and black flannel spread across the floor.  It seems that she ripped the flannel off from the lower half of one sleeve.  Why?  To see what was under the flannel?  Mad at me for not taking her with me?

Who knows?  All I can say is she knew as soon as I said “What are you doing schnap?” She looked at me defiantly and then saw my face and got up and slunk away. She knew……

It has been years since any of our collies have done something like this and while I am not happy I take it in stride for I know young dogs do things like this and the good ones learn not to do it ever again.  Ginger is very, very smart and I know she knows this is a no-no for sure now.  So, I don;t fear her doing this again.  But, she is so smart who knows what she will do next.  But, I am sure she will not do this ever again… she is learning.  I love her and she carries many of the characteristics of her grandmama big Hallie and is a pure joy to have as part of our family.

After her scolding  I hugged her for she still remains my… Ginger Snap!

Don’t you believe what he said about me!  I am a angel and I don’t know nothing about any dumb old flannel shirt.  Now, excuse me for I have to find some tums for a upset stomach caused by some red and black cloth I accidentally ingested… ahem…

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Ginger here! I am up to some Monday mischief…..  think I will get the Old Guy off to a interesting start….. Some tacks on his chair, gum inside of his shoe and black shoe polish on the phone should start things off nicely! This will be fun to watch…… Oh….  Off I go.. he has black shoe polish on his hand and face now and when he finds out I want to be sleeping innocently…. MUWAHAHAAHAHAHAAH


Hahahahahaha! Dad looking at you with the shoe polish on your face is like looking in the mirror for me… heheeheh




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It was a cool boring afternoon here when I decided enough was enough!  I took off running and grabbed Rutherford’s toy and ran off with it as he began to chase me…. I dropped it as I went by Walter and pulled his tail and now the two were running after me as I ran by Mick and smacked into his shoulder and he joined in.  I grinned evilly as they ran after me and as they closed in I stopped and and as they rumbled by I took off in the other direction snatching Hallie’s brain cover as she joined in and as I went by Skylight I pulled his tail and now he joined in the barking and howling crowd behind me.

As we rounded the shed I saw Branwen and snatched her bat and ran a few feet with it and she joined in as I flew by Lad and Smoke who looked on in disgust.  I then ran into Ellie and she joined in too.  Now the crowd was closing in so I jumped up on the hammock and off the end as they rumbled up and the chase was on again.  The barking was loud and our feet were thundering across the ground when I saw dad… muwahahahahahahah

I ran towards him with the rumbling herd behind me and the old guy just jumped behind the Maple as we rumbled by and I was tackled by lil Hallie and all the rest piled on.  Weeeeeeeeeeeee….. what fun……..  but it was too bad the Old guy moved for he was going to get stampeded under….. but I’ll perfect the plan and get him the next time….

So much for lazy, peaceful quiet afternoons… who needs them?

Tell the Old Guy to get rid of the rest of the collies and keep only me….


Next time I will get you Old Guy!!!!

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